Bond issue
19. 11. 2018

Global Credit plans to issue and place nominal coupon bonds.

On November 27 it will be placed 500,000,000 AMD with 10% annual coupon yield, 3 years circulation term, nominal value of AMD 10,000, nominal coupon of 50,000. At the time of allocation, the minimum direct bond price is set at 10,000 AMD.

There are no restrictions on potential buyers of bonds, and anyone wishing to participate in placement may apply to any commercial bank or investment company.

The allocation will be made on the primary placement of NASDAQ OMX Armenia OJSC through a standard closed (European) auction.

"Renesa" CJSC is the underwriter, and after the list of issued bonds, the latter will also perform market maker functions.

The electronic version of the promotion is published on the official websites of "GLOBAL CREDIT" and "RENESA" CJSC, respectively, at and

For more information or inquiries, you can call "GLOBAL CREDIT" at + (374 11) 700 100, 700 200 or "RENESA" CJSC at + (374 10) 54 83 87.