In case of mortgage lending, as well as acquisition or pledge of cars in the organization, it is a mandatory condition for accident insurance and property, fire and other hazards, insurance. In order to save your time, the Organization, as an insurance agent, implements insurance contracts at the office of the organization.
The purpose of accident insurance is to compensate the liability of the insurance company in the event of a temporary or complete loss of capacity of the borrower.
The purpose of property insurance is to compensate the insurance company in the amount of the loan repayment liability in case of any accident / explosion, collapse, damage to the property being considered as loan security.
The amount of insurance premiums / money paid for insurance policy/ are calculated based on the following values and rates:
1. Accident incuranse
of minimum loan amount, 0.15-0.22% annually
2. Property insurance
of property estimated value, 0.15-0.22% annually
Insurance policies are issued for one year. The Borrower shall resign the contract with the reinsurance company each year until full repayment of the loan. The beneficiary of the insurance contracts is the Organization. Insurance is carried out by one of the insurance companies cooperating with the Organization
By the way
Organization is cooperating with "INGO ARMENIA" ICJSC, "ARMENIA INSURANCE" ICJSC, "NAIRI INSURANCE" ICJSC, "SIL INSURANCE" ICJSC and also formulates CMTPLI contracts.
Advantages of the Organization:
the simplest solution to the contract,
individual approach to each customer,
fast and high quality service;
professional approach.